Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Flash. Crackle. Cordite. Death.

Mosquito. Death.
The electric moment arced briefly across a humid Mumbai night. The mosquito flashed in an instant mortis. 
Resonating a sharp crackle before the cordite smell hit my nostril.
She won't incubate another generation with her belly distended with my blood. 

Covid 19. 
Fragile threads of RNA -- poised damocles like in an episode unfolding.
Like mosquitoes the contagion swarms and swills across the globe. Humanity is cowering in homes akin diaphanous mosquito nets, uncertain, temporary and thin in defense. Inevitability lies in the stepping out of our temporary and forced cocoons. Who will feel the bite? The russian roulette is what really bothers one. Who will survive? Inevitability? Maybe.

As I swung the bat to exterminate the mosquito, a portmanteau from two of the bard glimmered in my head

Lord, what fools these mortals be!

...As flies to wanton boys are we to th' gods,
They kill us for their sport.

A Midsummer-Night’s Dream
Act III. Scene II.King Lear Act 4, scene 1, 32–37

Friday, 24 January 2020

How to be a Jedi - Control Belief Systems

All humans work basis their belief systems. 
To control a person one just needs to control that person's belief system.

Belief Systems are driven by motivations of gain. Currencies are barter chips of sorts that quantify for a person that he or she has gained... something. The ability to quantify gain is key. 
Abstract concepts. phenomenon or 'things' are often not easy to grasp, hence a lack of comprehension can be interpreted as a lack of power. Hence, quantifiable objects, procedures are needed to satiate this seeming lack of power.  

Power is one of the highest currencies that define gain. 

Since power is abstract, ability to provide quantifiable tokens is a good way of establishing one's superiority in the power hierarchy.

Belief System

An oversimplified universal set has two main categories leaders and followers. Both leaders and followers have an ascending hierarchy along with the degree of power and usually corresponding quanta of currency. 

Examples of the such belief system controlling mechanisms:

Democracy|Proletariat-ism|Governing and Political Systems of all types
An abstract and utopian concept where groups of people feel that they they have the collective power of governance.
Governing Leadership have the power to set and impose rules. To gain Leadership the people can be given so called 'right' to a ritual where someone from the group is selected (termed elected) as the leader.
leaders and followers have an ascending hierarchy
- potential leaders need to convince that they can maximize currency gain by controlling the governing system
- Currency can range from concrete gains like money or intangibles like freedom to do certain things or systemic improvements 
- Central premise - the groups have 'faith' or belief in the leadership. Leaders get the power to control the system and distribute currencies as a reward and retention mechanism


An abstract concept where groups of people feel that a deified higher power has control over things that they cannot control. 
Human religion centric leadership gains control over the larger group by claiming to have access and some form of control over the deified higher power as intermediaries.
Often the deified higher power is ascribed with control over natural and individual or collective cognitively non-predictable phenomenon like fate, weather, phenomenon connected to nature, large systems that cannot be completely controlled consistently due to various non predictive elements or very large groups and number of non-predictable participants and actions like entire economies, business system gains, health, performance outcomes in competitive scenarios with overwhelming inputs.
Leadership is such systems consists of convincing the followers that one has power to channelize the requests of the followers to the deified power holder.
Key acts of establishing religion leadership and gaining power include:

  • Providing concrete and discrete explanations and focal areas for abstractions and methods for making gains from the deified powers. For example:
    • Creating & popularizing humanoid (and hence concretely identifiable) alternatives for the deified power holders (creating gods)
      For example:
      • Animism - Natural phenomenon are grouped or listed as humanoid gods (e.g. seasons as gods, like spring, summer, winter; natural phenomenon, systems & objects as gods, like wind, rain, lightening, forest systems, fertility, agricultural harvest, sun, moon, planets)
      • Polytheism - Humanoid hierarchy of gods. The pantheon often have humanoid leadership hierarchy. Often a natural progression from Animism, where animistic gods are grouped in commonly humanesque social hierarchy (to enhance sense of identification) but  
      • Monotheism - Central higher power as a humanoid god who creates and controls all abstract or overwhelming or unexplainable or non-predictive phenomenon or objects
      • Guru driven cults - A person who assumes a god-like position
    • Storytelling using metaphors to explain otherwise complex phenomenon, like creation of the universe and in the process ascribing power to the deified power (often referred to as a god)
    • Myth creation to enhance retention through repeated story-telling
    • Constructing and popularizing methods to gain from the god(s):
      • Rituals 
      • Barter systems (often connected to rituals)
  • Gaining social power by listing acceptable social behaviour sets and Connecting Social behaviour to outcomes that are attributed as controlled by the god(s).

Friday, 26 October 2018

The Armchair Paradox

Heart-aches and realizations are wondrous murmurs. Unscheduled, variously encountered, and harbingers of change inevitable. 

Delicious and cloying is the inertia of rest. The warmth of the experience of a thousand languid mornings steeped like cats basking in the sun upon a tropical winter sunrise, seen from the cocoon of a sleep warmed duvet. 

Vicissitude by definition evokes those snooze button mashing reflexes. Memories ooze honey-esque to lull and dull every modicum, twinge, throb and instinct for inevitable, necessary transmutation.

The Bengali transcreation of আরামকেদারা (aaram kedara) for armchair and supine bliss is more apt than the English suggestion of mere support for the upper limbs in contrast. The trouble arises in getting off an aaram kedara. That it's wonderful? Undeniable!

So is slowly ripping a band-aid off, one hair pain twanging follicle at a time, from a progressing laceration.

Unarguably inevitable and essential. Maybe not so exhilarating. 

Just like shedding accumulated adipose, belongings, and task back-logs before a journey.

The first step that sparks of that journey of a million miles? Sweet chimera and delusion. It's rather unfashionable to dwell on the killing urge to sit right back. Straight after that step.

My landlord of the last eight years and I spoke of the chasm between the thought of change and the perspective of the hard deadline and it's sting of inevitability. In his acceptance into priesthood from laity he opined in wisdom, "...what if the armchair is just not there after I get off it?"

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Epiphanies by the Arabian Sea...

A curious sense of peace tendrils like burnt cordite into nostrils once the coin drops into place. 
Clarity is not startling. It is something tinged heaviness of heart. 
Soul stirring like a rasping Adele wafting around inside the cranium while the legs rhythm out a tattoo on the sea link. 
The old man running by bare foot with the timing  chip tied to his leg etched in my brain. Nothing but a smile can warm the face to the cheers of everyone around for the man. Perhaps, that is when the consciousness stops nagging doubts about completing some freaky 22 kilometers. Blurring reasons about why. 
Is the heart's desire impossible? 
A whole world is still alive... Awake... Waiting

[Written - 03/03/2012]

And smile I did...

42.195km was never a figment of my imagination. On 19 Jan '13 I etched this traversement into my being. The trigger perhaps was when I paused in wonderment on a cold January morning two years ago when that old and frail gentleman moved briskly towards the sea link that I had exhilarated at crossing minutes ago. He had the timing chip tied with a black string around his ankle. Faded, yellowing, white baniyan and an equivalent white shorts framed the bare feet in motion. His smile was a fleeting moment wafting by...
Worli and the runners of half his distance raised raised a cheer and the moment passed into my eternity. Respect. I was a few days away from 35 years of existence. 
I've just wogged his distance and then read today of Walt Whitman...

I, now thirty-seven years old in perfect health begin,
Hoping to cease not till death.

Wogging is my parlance of 'walking and sometimes jogging' ... For 6 hours and 35 minutes upon a whim. Emily Dickinson has an apt way of summarizing the experience...
PAIN has an element of blank;
It cannot recollect
When it began, or if there were
A day when it was not.
I smiled at the Sunday morning along the way. Glee, cheer, and encouragement beamed back from the people along the way who clapped, offered biscuits and handed out refreshments and beaming countenances. Policemen and women beamed and cheered us on. Old women and young kids ran alongside cheering while I oscillated between the start and end. I started smiling somewhere along my second half marathon. Things got so much better after that...
The Mumbai marathon route feels like a moebius band. You start and end at VT (or CST). Quite magical in between the that sun peeks up over the city on the right and the moon that simultaneously shines bright on the left over the queens necklace and the breezy Arabian sea.
The day gets on with the business of getting hotter around the halfway mark of reclamation. The African runners gazelle by preceded by a meandering BMW holding up a board proclaiming their (ridiculous) timing like a nubile clad lass between boxing rounds and my muscles decide that the owner is definitely daft and start choking on all the random lactic acid in them. 
Not good.
Worli and the sea-face brings the India elite runners and the occasional weeping women elite runner, sitting at the edges of the event hanging their head perhaps in disbelief and the prostrating grief of failure. Each kilometer seems bloody too long by now. Shivaji Park never seems to get over and the sun now has me squinting between furrowing eyebrows at the meandering route that seems to want me to go back home. And sleep. 
It is encouraging to know that I am not alone as others endeavour along side ...

It takes a certain kind of lunacy to think of running a full marathon, it's a completely different kind of fervid madness completing the darned thing. Especially if you haven't really trained for it and have never done anything red oddly   

23 Jan 2014


I met Shimla after penetrating darkness, and clouds that I mistook for fog, in a Himachal state transport bus. It seemed like yet another two horse town with pandering hotel touts and alarmingly only vegetarian momos.

That night poured its guts out to wash into a morning where the veil of clouds lifted to reveal a façade of human greed for habitation thrown like acid on a mountain's face. The British apparently built a summer capital called Shimla to grow up to a healthy twenty-five odd thousand as population in its middle age. Fast food and obesity was not a rage then. Now, the main city of Shimla crams in more than, a reported, 2.5 lakhs and then tops it up with a teeming infestation of tourists during 'season'. Sweet!

The population obesity muffin tops and spills over the mountainsides to places like 'New Shimla' and other inevitable additions. From a distance, my first morning in Shimla, smelt crisp and clean as a sun dried bedsheet after the Mumbai air. Then, Shimla 2.0 showed up like a scab on bruised mountainsides.

Imagine a seven layered wedding cake--with the layers kept up on tooth picks. That, is a building perched in 'new' Shimla. A night of torrential mountain rain gave way to a morning of soil gouged mountains. The inhabitants of my guest house excited thronged the balcony to speculate whether the alarmingly tilting building on the mountainside would topple and exterminate the inhabitants. The inhabitants of the afflicted construct in turn all gathered together, and unlike rational mortals, craned over the tilting edge to peer at the underside of their building. Underside? No really! Somebody wanted to build some more. So, the vegetation and pine trees holding the mountain surface around (translated to 'below' in mountain parlance) the building was cleared. The rain thought "Whee!" and pissed down and washed the soil away. Tada! Precarious building.
An army of people were clambering around in the disintegrating soil shovelling the draining soil one shovel at a time while others were draping livid blue tarpauline in fervent hope of denying the rain gods glee.

Ask someone and the response comes pat... Shimla has Mall Road. And assorted temples. A very sharp transition from British architecture to concrete invocations to a pantheon of gods and goddesses atop mountains. The local patois pronounces Mall Road as Maal Road. The ironic realization hit me when I first paid a tenner to ride an elevator to the roughly kilometre long stretch that sells and displays 'maal' of every hue colour and description in rows of shops. The trade then cascades down to Lakkar Bazar and Lower Bazaar that makes the cynosure of trading in the city. 

Shimla is a prime example of an opportunity lost for telling a story. The railway station lists the 'points of interest with a distance next to it like a take-away menu card has prices sans descriptions. I asked the gentleman at the Mall Road tourist office why the Scandal Point is called so and received repeated directions to it and exhortations to read the plaque there.

Yet, Shimla discovered on foot and experienced in contemplations the version I will recall.

The Clouds...
Stay long enough and the clouds you seen in the distance will come sniffing at you like a dog sniffing you awake on a cold morning. The warm sunshine snuffed for a while, the clouds will envelope you in a dampish cold steamish embrace... Once done sniffing, they will move away or even aerosol you a little before losing interest in you and moving away. The clouds make some of the most surreal lightscapes I have seen outside of an aircraft flying thousands of feet aloft. Travelling between Solan and Shimla, the sunsets are breathtaking with the clouds swirling around an orange orb. Edward Munch made ice cream in the sky with a swirling cloud strokes that swirled a palette from orange and magenta to lilac, purple, and mid night blue to bring in the evening. The clouds play peek-a-boo with our solar lantern and glow edge of the hills to fire with a brooding grey on top. Then night comes, the cloud curtain  draws back to show the sky ablaze with a billion stars on an inky blue-black night. 

The Flora and the rocks...
It is in the space between habitation that Himachal comes into its own. I experienced Himachal in a cusp of seasons as the rains furied, then abated leaving behind soft sunshine before the roll on to winter starts. Left alone, the conifers tower on either side of the black tarmac ribbon. The deodars reach out to the skies and make the sunshine glimmer in your eye. The creepers cascade down the boughs of the tallest trees like a cataract frozen as leaves. The cheel sprouts a livid young bottle brush green covering the mountainside. The sunshine spurts out in fingers of god through a cloud filigree to paint the rolling green landscape in light and shade. 
Little wild flowers sparkle pink, orange, red, yellow, lilac, indigo, and white like stars on earth through the fern fronds, grass, and green carpet shivering in the mountain breeze.  

Monday, 3 November 2014

When Shelly met Coldplay

A gazillion stars wept and splattered their dying tears across a cloudless sky in vain. The Queen's necklace Arabian sea lapped fetid around the feckless concrete tetrapods

Chris Martin crooned
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I'm gonna give you my heart
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
'Cause you light up the path

I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do, ooh
'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I saw you

'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I wanna die in your arms
'Cause you get lighter the more it gets dark
I'm gonna give you my heart

3 Nov 2014