Saturday, 14 March 2009

Summer. Rain.

Lactocalamine on parched skin cannot compete with untimely rain in the middle of an unusually early and aggressive summer.

Riding through the undecided rain is hell. The still born slush makes the bike slip like drunk catfish. But then ... everything has a price.

I got out of the room and walked out to the terrace to experience the bliss of the sapping moments of night, melting into a coldish Pune morning.
The puddles on the quenched concrete, the shivering leaves of the almond tree, and the eucalyptus swirled in unison with the aroma of fresh rain.

A zephyr swishes the unseen mist-coldness around ankles. I can't seen the stars like a summer's night but a moon glowing bright behind some still cloud fluffs.

Such a joy. Rain.

1 comment:

Ami Titash said...

makes me miss pune even more. Sigh.